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Writer's pictureKimberly Michel

All About Me + Goals

Hey there! My name is Kimberly, but most people have called me Kim my whole life. I’m a wife and a momma. Cain and I will be celebrating 9 years married on October 4th! We are high school sweethearts so November will actually be 15 years together. We have two wild, strong & brave boys. Holden is six. Hudson is three.

We are originally from South Louisiana. When I describe where we are from, I usually tell people we are from South of New Orleans, "like bottom of the boot" Louisiana …you know basically the Gulf of Mexico. LOL We have a strong Cajun background, and we are so proud of it!

On August 29, 2021, Hurricane Ida hit our hometown parish head on. It broke us in more ways than we liked. Relocation was on our hearts and one thing led to another and Cain accepted a job to bring us to Tennessee. [One day I do plan to write about our move and all the God pieces to it.] We are currently living east of Nashville. We moved to Tennessee at the end of January 2022. We have been rediscovering our rhythm since.

Moving to a whole new state after major loss and while still having our house repaired was so bittersweet. We were so ready to move out of living in a camper since our house and my mom’s house was not livable. Moving in our rent house was exactly what our hearts needed. We realized quickly that we had to relearn how to live in a bigger space again. We also had to learn the area we moved to, find doctors to get established with especially for the kids, change shot records to enroll Holden for school, figure out the best place for groceries, find a church home, buy beds (yep you read that right - we moved with air mattresses only) and so much more! By the time we were really settled and had found a good rhythm 7 months in, we started looking at houses to buy. By this point we had sold our house in Louisiana, so we were able to buy in Tennessee. That is when Rediscovering Rhythm came to me. I always wanted to create a blog as far back as 2016, but at this point I knew I wanted to write about everything that had brought me to this point in life in 2022. I knew God had put mountains in our way so we could show others that they could be moved.

On Sept 1, 2022, we were blessed to buy a house and plant some roots in Tennessee, but that meant moving all over again. So I never did hit publish on my blog. We rediscovered rhythm all over again in a new town, in our very own home that we are so proud of. And since then, we did find another church home that has been the perfect fit for our whole family along with making some incredible friends and we have wonderful neighbors!

So fast forward to this year, 2023, I’ve had a lot of changes within my corporate job for the last 9 months. And I am finally in a place that I have some creativity back in my mind, heart and soul and can focus on me again. After the last 2 years of life, I have realized I need to always be working on a creative outlet and I also really needed to have a place to create and share so it works hand and hand to blog! It all balls down to mental health for me. My body craves a good mental health state. I would say I am a type-A personality since I love to be organized, have a good to-do list ready to go & achieve my goals along the way. There is a downside to being type-A, it often causes stress or work-life imbalance. I like when things are going smoothly. When I am not checking all the mental health boxes off, I feel overwhelmed, frazzled, and I have zero creatively in me. To bring me peace and harmony some of my favorite things to do to help myself is time with God, work on my bible study, jam to worship music even in the shower, jam to NSYNC and Backstreet Boys in the kitchen while I cook, put on a full face of makeup and fix my hair even if I am staying home, work on a creative outlet project (crafting, scrapbooking, journaling, and now blogging), go to a store by myself to get out of the house, and last but not least sometimes it is super simple like sitting outside on my porch and just enjoy watching the butterflies fly around.

I have a different parts to my story that I look back on and I had to rediscover rhythm after every single one. I’ve gone through a wide variety of life’s “hardships” prior to the major loss in the hurricane, like losing my dad at the young age of 22, changing my major in college because I couldn’t pass the exams needed for the next semester to continue to become a certified teacher, infertility, IVF, gestational diabetes that later led to type 2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, high cholesterol, marriage struggles (yes I said it – no marriage works without putting in the work to keep it strong and it is a part of our story so I feel called to include it), financial struggles, selling houses and moving and job loss. All of these things have two things in common – resilience & God. I had to bounce back just as strong as before from all of those different life hardships. I never did give myself an option not to bounce back because that is just who I am. Did I always bounce back quick? No. But did God carry me through? Yes. I am so thankful God has carried me through every season and I truly give Him all the glory.

This past Sunday at church, our message spoke on resilience. For me it means, having the capacity to be knocked down by the hardships of life and come back at least as strong as before. Being able to change the course, emotionally heal, and continue moving towards your goals. The message was exactly what I needed to hear.

On the topic of bouncing back and moving towards your goals, I want to share my goals with you all as I hope to have your support and I hope to give you inspiration in return. I want to use Rediscovering Rhythm as a platform to bring you all ways to keep your mental health in a good state, encourage you with God’s word, share beauty and wellness products that make my heart happy and face feeling amazing, motivate you to work on personal development whether it's helping you organize something, make a to do list, or teach you something new. I also want to make sure everyone knows if you have a diagnosis, “you are not your diagnosis!” Living a full and healthy life is so important especially when you have to make sure you eat well so you don’t fall on the floor with a low blood sugar. Throwing in some diabetic humor lol. I’ll throw in some other topics along the way. Some bonus content may be on marriage and budgeting, but I wanted to outline my goals for yall to know what to expect. One thing for sure is, yall will always hear about the things I love! And hey if you ever want to know something or want me to share about a certain topic, let me know!

I have SO many good things in the works! I will be announcing things as I go, but I have been taking courses and learning about the online world of passive income to bring in more income for my family, so I did want to put a disclaimer out there that you will see me post about these types of things in the near future. It is all things I love and know you will love too! Hint as to what is up first! It is something to do with BEAUTY! ;) Stay tuned for all that is to come!

XOXO - All my best,


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